Cologne Open Access Publishing Summit

Held in Cologne in decembre 2004, all papers and presentations are now online.

“Online publishing is revolutionizing the scholarly communication process. Researchers, publishers, and libraries – all actors in the scholarly communications system are being affected. The open access movement is playing an important role in shaping the future system of scholarly publishing. This is especially true for periodicals. The Directory of Open Access Journals lists 1.300 journals until now. The Cologne Summit will act as a cutting-edge forum describing the state of the art. It also stands for fair but controversial discussions and debate surrounding the issues of open access publishing to all actors in the field.” Ulrich Korwitz – Deutsche Zentralbibliothek fuer Medizin


Le 17 février 2005 constitution de l’association

Constitution de l’association LuxCommons. Association sans but lucratif, dont le but est l’adaptation des licences Creative Commons et la promotion de celles-ci au Grand Duché du Luxembourg.

L’association a été constituée le 17 février 2005. Enregistrée et déposée le 8 mars 2005 sous le numéro F959 au Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés à Diekirch. Retrouvez ses statuts.

Ci-joint une photo des fondateurs (plus beaux en vrai)

De gauche à droite : Olivier LAIDEBEUR (secrétaire), Patrick PEIFFER (président), Laurent KRATZ (trésorier)

UK: Creative Commons for public sector

The Common Information Environment (CIE) invites proposals for a study into the applicability of Creative Commons licences to public sector organisations in the United Kingdom. The goal is to take rapid and informed decisions concerning use and re-use of digital (heritage) materials, educating end-users about licences and facilitating licence use in general.

Links: Site CIE, PDF appel d’offres.